In the midst of all the turmoil going on in Haiti, it is reassuring to know that our Almighty Loving Father is in control, so we turn to Him with praises, adorations, and supplications for this beautiful island He’s called us back to.
In Haiti, November 1st and 2nd are non-christian holidays where people pay tribute to the spirits of the dead. We love how our miraculous God works. While many people were celebrating the holiday of the dead, our living God opened doors for our brothers and sisters in our community to lift up His name and openly declare that He is the Almighty and He deserves all the praise!
And so on Monday, the Ministry Center hit another memorable milestone, our first worship concert! Our friends from Communauté de la Grậce (Grace Community) led the worship and the worship experience was so powerful that the young adults from l’Église Évangélique Chrétienne de Cambry (a church in the community) offered to lead another night of worship on Tuesday! Between the two services almost 200 worshippers were there!
Our night sky was filled with worship and praises to our God for two nights – and we’re sure there will be many more to come in the future! THANK YOU for making this possible!
Praising our Living God in Haiti with you,
Juska and Jona