Aftershocks continue
August 19, 2021
Strong aftershocks continue
WHI, IBESR, mid-term
August 18, 2021
We are grateful for opportunity to partner with other organizations in this time of great needs. We are walking through our days moment by moment, knowing that your prayers are sustaining us. We praise God for you and for His clear leading. May He be glorified in everything we do.
Grace & Relief efforts
August 17, 2021
The people of Haiti have learned to be resilient. They have and continue to bear such heavy burdens, but when you talk to them they all say, “Gras a Dye nou vivan” which means “by God’s grace we are alive.”
More on Grace
August 16, 2021
We want to give you a quick update this evening to let you know that we are safe. Grace – right now, we are experiencing heavy rainfall. We are still using a tent as shelter, we will be watching the situation closely, if it gets worse we will have no choice but to take shelter […]
August 16, 2021
As you may have heard, Grace is heading for us this evening. While this storm has been downgraded and the winds will hopefully not do too much damage, the estimated 15 inches of rain will be devastating.
2021 Earthquake – how do we respond?
August 15, 2021
Reports are quickly coming in of the devastation this area is experiencing, including the loss of one of our foster family’s home. Many people are out on the streets with it being impossible or unsafe to be indoors. We are ready to immediately respond with the local purchase and distribution of emergency hygiene kits and […]
7.2 magnitude earthquake hit South Haiti
August 14, 2021
Praise the Lord for His protection -We and our staff, and the campus, are safe but aftershocks are continuing, with the largest so far measuring a magnitude of 5.2.