Reports are quickly coming in of the devastation this area is experiencing, including the loss of one of our foster family’s home. Many people are out on the streets with it being impossible or unsafe to be indoors.
We are ready to immediately respond with the local purchase and distribution of emergency hygiene kits and food, but we need your help to purchase these things.
With these hygiene kits and food kits for those who are now homeless, we will be able to be the hands and feet of Jesus here in this terrible crisis.
Emergency hygiene kits are $20 per kit. As you’ll remember from the 2010 earthquake, these kits are extremely important to avoid further health complications and not add to the impact of the disaster.
Food kits will cost $50 per kit and will provide a family of four with food for two weeks.
We are so thankful for your faithful partnership in establishing GVFH here in Haiti, and because of you, and God’s leading, we are ready and prepared to respond.
Thank you for your prayers for Haiti. We will keep you posted as more details come in.
Serving God in Haiti with you today and in the days and months ahead