On January 24, 20172, our family arrived in Haiti. Just a few miles after we left the Port au Prince airport, we passed through a group of protestors, police, and tear gas. Our very first impressions were terrifying. We opened the door to our empty rental house as the shipping container had yet to catch up with us, there was no reliable power or water, and it was “Haiti” hot. Needless to say, we wondered what we had gotten ourselves into. That’s when our son, who was only 3 then, looked up and asked, “Can we make this our home?”

Our God is so good. Even when we are very unsure of what to expect, one thing is always certain – He who calls us, prepares our hearts to be obedient, paves our path, and is faithful. He is using GVFH for His glory’s sake – from day one.

These past 5 years have stretched us and molded us in ways that we cannot even put into words. Through the ups and downs, we can clearly see that He is faithful, He is our protector, comforter, provider, rock, and all and all.

Everyday, now and forever, we give God the Glory,
Juska and Jona