If you know our story, you know that it is only God who could call us out of our comfort zone as we were living our dream lives in the United States to go back to Haiti and live out His great commandment. Seven years ago when we took a leap of faith to physically go, we held on to His words and still do today. “…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:16-20 and “For the Word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.” ~Psalm 33:4. 

These seven years have been challenging, but the Lord has made His presence known to us every step of the way. For that we are grateful. It was a joy to celebrate His faithfulness with our ministry partners. We are in awe to witness God at work, the tangible proofs are great, and the life transformations are even more impactful!

It is an honor for us to be on this journey with you! We are moved by your continued support with prayers and financial gifts; we could not have done any of this alone. God has used your generous and faithful partnership to motivate and enable GVFH ministry.

Thanking God for His faithfulness and for you!