“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
Colossians 3:17

Sharing God’s love and His Good News is the core of our existence! Discipleship is our most important and unique pillar. Even though we may not have numbers to share, we praise God for every opportunity He gives us to witness to those around us with our words and actions.

Although we cannot control the background faith of those we met and serve, we do not miss any opportunity to share that we are all about His grace. The need for the true message of the Gospel is vast, so the sky’s the limit for this pillar, here is what it currently looks like:

-We start every day with staff devotions
-All community meetings start with prayer
-Foster parent training is tied to biblical truths
-Children and youth activities include the Gospel message
-Worship time in the new Ministry Center

Thank you for joining us in sharing the gift of His truth and love!
Juska and Jona