The situation here continues to be overwhelming. There is such a devastating need for even the most basic supplies. Yesterday we distributed water and the response was frantic.
God has opened doors for us to work with World Hope International. They worked with us when we first arrived in Haiti, and they are here again working alongside us in our emergency relief efforts. They have placed three medical doctors and a nurse on our campus, and are helping with basic medical care and the distribution of water. We are so blessed to be working with a larger organization as they have connections to people and pricing that we would not be able to obtain on our own.
We are also connecting with local organizations to ensure our efforts are coordinated. Good stewardship of our time and resources is critical.
We met with IBESR (the local social service) and they will accompany us tomorrow to check in on some of the foster families and distribute emergency kits. We are in contact with them, but it will be so good to meet with them in person. We’ll update you as soon as we can on how our families and kids are doing.
We are now hearing that two of our Foster Families’ homes have been completely destroyed by the earthquake, and that extensive damage has been done to some of the others. We are already feeling the weight of the work that desperately needs to be done in the months ahead of us.
We are walking through our days moment by moment, knowing that your prayers are sustaining us. We praise God for you and for His clear leading. May He be glorified in everything we do.
Serving God and the people of Haiti together with you,
Juska and Jona