Updated Pillars
August 5, 2022
So much has happened since God’s Vision For Haiti came into existence! We praise God for his guidance and provision and give him the glory for what he does through this ministry. To better communicate and structure the increased serving opportunities to which that God has been leading us, our board of directors has recently updated our four pillars
A Day at the Beach – with Adolescents
June 29, 2022
In collaboration with IBESR and Terre des Hommes, we had a fun day at the beach with the adolescents.
Spiritual and Physical Care
May 13, 2022
This past Saturday, our friend Dr. Stéphan Odénat from Mission La Bible Parle – Centre Medical Gaetan Bouchard put together a team of volunteers, healthcare professionals and others to serve those who are in need; they brought everything needed and ran a mobile clinic on our campus!!!
Kids’ Care Kits
April 6, 2022
Kids are expensive, and we have 49 of them. Our foster kids are like any other child and need things like clothes when they grow out of the ones they have, hygiene products to keep them healthy, and newly placed babies need formula to get them started.
Serious Topics
March 6, 2022
Please keep these young people in your prayers as they face many challenges here in Haiti. May they trust God to lead them!
Kids are coming to GVFH
February 6, 2022
Finding new opportunities to share the news of the Gospel with kids is a great way to start the new year!
January 26, 2022
Our God is so good. Even when we are very unsure of what to expect, one thing is always certain – He who calls us, prepares our hearts to be obedient, paves our path, and is faithful. He is using GVFH for His glory’s sake – from day one.
January 5, 2022
Thank you so much to everyone who supports GVFH and serves here with us in Haiti! Together, through God’s leading, we are making a difference in the lives of Haiti’s most vulnerable – and God willing, changing the generations to come.
Family First-Foster Care Pillar
December 29, 2021
We believe that “every child deserves their own family”, so family comes first – whether it is placing an abandoned child into a loving family, reuniting a child with biological relatives, or raising awareness that promotes the importance of keeping families together.
Sharing God’s Gift – Discipleship Pillar
December 22, 2021
Sharing God’s love and His Good News is the core of our existence! Discipleship is our most important and unique pillar. Even though we may not have numbers to share, we praise God for every opportunity He gives us to witness to those around us with our words and actions.